BARBARY SHEEP Ammotragus lervia
Redlist status: Vulnerable
The Barbary is native to the mountains of North Africa.
Barbary sheep stand 75 to 110 cm tall at the shoulder, around 1.5 m long and weigh 30 to 145 kg.
The smooth horns curve outward, backward, then inward, and can exceed 76 cm long. Horns are hollow and made of hard skin which are never shed. Both males and females have horns.
Barbary Sheep can achieve a standing jump of 2 meters!!
Barbary Sheep graze grasses, bushes, and lichens. They can get all their water from food, but if liquid water is available, they will drink and wallow in it.
Barbary sheep generally associate in small family groups consisting of an adult male and female, with their offspring at various ages.