Procurement Policy of FRIENDS OF HIGH PARK ZOO

Adopted by the Board on: December 5, 2017

Policy Summary

This policy guides Friends of High Park Zoo (FHPZ) with respect to procurement of goods, services and construction. 

Policy Statement

This Procurement Policy will promote ethical, efficient, professional, and accountable sourcing strategies. FHPZ will use fair and open processes to make procurement decisions based on a “value for money” criterion. “Value for Money” means that the selection of goods, services and construction will be based on an optimal combination of relevant factors beyond the price. This includes such factors as:


This policy applies to all planning and acquisition of goods, services and construction by FHPZ. This policy must be read in conjunction with the Friends of High Park Zoo Code of Ethics. 


The objective of this policy is to ensure that FHPZ conducts procurement processes that conform to the following principles:

Procurement Methodologies

FHPZ may send invitations for Tenders, Requests for Proposals, Prequalification Requests, Expressions of Interest and Advanced Contract Award Notices to potential bidders to ensure the best possible response. 


Used in circumstances where FHPZ has determined a clearly defined scope of the goods or services and the only remaining matter to be resolved is establishing a competitive price. The evaluation of price can include an evaluation of “best value” rather than simply the lowest price

Request for proposal

Used when FHPZ wishes to carry out a quality assessment of a service provider or the product or service they provide. In most cases, price is a “weighted” factor but not the determining factor. Also used where it is not practical to prepare precise specifications, or where alternatives to detailed specifications will be considered, which may be subject to further negotiation. This process allows vendors to propose solutions to arrive at the end product or desired result.

Request for quotation

A formal or informal inquiry to determine the price of a specific good or service. Successful proponents are normally (but not exclusively) chosen based on the price submitted, although the evaluation can also allow for predetermined criteria in addition to price. The proponent’s response should be submitted in writing.

Request for expression of interest

Used in circumstances where FHPZ wishes to investigate the marketplace to test the availability of certain types of experts, goods or service. Used mainly as an investigative tool in the initial step in procurement process but in some instances may lead to a prequalification list.

Advanced Contract Award Notice ("ACAN")

A federally accepted competition process to award a contract to a pre-identified vendor. A notice of the proposed purchase is publicly posted on MERX for a period of 15 calendar days. If no acceptable response is received, FHPZ is permitted to award a sole source contract.

Administrative Procedures

The Board’s signing officers shall have the authority to execute and all contracts for Construction Services, Professional Services and Consulting Services, including amendments to any of the foregoing, with an approving resolution of the Board. 

To ensure FHPZ’s procurement process is fair and open and transparent to all proponents, all questions asked by proponents during the course of a Tender must be submitted in writing to the Board and the questions and responses must be circulated to all proponents. Lobbying during the procurement process will not be permitted and may result in the disqualification of the proponent.

FHPZ is not required to accept the lowest bid and may base its evaluation on both quality and price (as appropriate to the goods or services being purchased) and may adopt a “best value” approach to the evaluation of price.

Where FHPZ is pursuing a claim against a vendor in contract, tort, or negligence or where a vendor is pursuing a similar claim against FHPZ, the vendor shall not be eligible to respond to any quotation, unless the Board determines that it is in the best interests of FHPZ to permit the vendor to respond. 

Non-Competitive Procurement

Construction Services is defined as the supply of a good and/or services in the performance of a modification, improvement or repair of an existing High Park Zoo asset, or in the construction of a new High Park Zoo asset.

Professional Services is defined as any licensed professional service provided by engineers, land surveyors, architects, chartered accountants and lawyers in their regulated capacities.

Consulting Services is defined as provision of expertise or strategic advice that is presented for consideration and decision-making. 

Construction procurement with an estimated value over $100,000 and Professional Services and Consulting Services procurement with an estimated value over $50,000 must be procured through an open, competitive process.

FHPZ reserves the right to offer a contract for the provision of goods or services to a sole supplier where circumstances prevent competitive purchasing, including, (a) emergencies; (b) urgency or time constraints; (c) economy or value in continuing prior work; (d) a competitive process has been undertaken but has failed to identify a viable supplier or service provider; (e) absence of competition for technical or commercial reasons, with no available substitutes. 

Policy Review

This Procurement Policy will be periodically reviewed by the Board and assessed to ensure its goals are being met.